On-Premise Manager, Wisconsin | Red Bull Madison, WI
Madison meant a temporary home. Being born and raised in MN, I refused to allow myself to get comfortable here, I've had my eyes on Chicago for some time now but over the last year, I've simply fallen' in love with living on the Isthmus. My close friends and I created a "bike gang" over the summer and every week I looked forward to trying a new restaurant in a new part of town via bicycle. Everything here is so accessible, we could easily rent a paddle board, play a game of catch in the park or find a rooftop pool to work beside without worrying about a line or a crowd. In the winter, there is nothing that compares to walking down state street in a snow storm under the pretty lights, with the capitol glowing in the background, or bundling up to grab dinner and a badger basketball game.
Favorite Restaurant: Right now my favorite restaurant for dinner is Tavernakaya, but I have a soft spot in my heart for brunch and my go to spot is Basset Street Brunch Club.
Favorite Coffee Spot: I don't drink coffee often because I prefer Red Bull for my daily supply of caffeine, but the Magic Coffee from Graze on a Saturday morning farmers market stroll is always a good decision. I think I've changed a fair amount of my friends lives having introduced them to that.
Secret Madison Spot: CYC fitness and Kamps Fit are two of my favorites right now.
